What To Do To Keep The Quarantine Period Productive

Are you bored sitting at home during this time of quarantine? Can't think what to do? Do you want to take advantage of this time by doing something productive? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then today's blog is for you.

Let's see how you can use your time sitting at home in quarantine.

1. Prayer or worship

Prayer is an important part of our lives. By praying, following the religious precepts, on the one hand, it is possible to gain virtue and on the other hand, it is possible to make good use of time and space. Prayer or worship is beneficial for both this world and the hereafter.

2. Giving time to family

Family is one of the most important and integral parts of our lives. The family binds us all in a bond of affection. Most of the time we are away from family due to busy schedules or work or study so we often do not give time to family despite our desire. So, by giving time to family, you can use your time and build a friendly at the same time.

3. Communication with friends or relatives

There is another aspect of our lives that is intimately involved. Yes, many may have understood. And that is - our friends and relatives. Their impact on our lives is absolutely undeniable. A phone call or text to a friend or relative at this time of disaster can be a source of joy. If you want, you can easily find them by communicating through various social media. This will make your relationship much stronger.

4. Helping others

We know that humans are social creatures. People can never survive without the help of others. So it is our moral responsibility to help others as well. You can help people in many ways. For example: with the right information, with good advice, with good work support, financially, etc.

5. Creating new habits

We all know that people are slaves to habit. Studies have shown that it takes about 21 days to form a good habit. So you can easily take a heavyweight challenge in this quarantine time. For example, You are used to sleeping late at night. You believe and resolve that you will get into the habit of going to bed early from today.

6. Skill Development

Skill is a very useful subject in this age of the 21st century. You can use this extra time to learn digital marketing, emotional intelligence, Excel, PowerPoint, graphics, video editing, etc.

7. Cooking Skills

Cooking is an important skill for all of us in life. It can be said that this skill is necessary for all kinds of people. This is a very important topic when traveling abroad and away from family, especially in hostels or halls.

8. Physical exercise or exercise

It is said that good health is the root of all happiness. Not to mention the importance of exercise for good health. You can spend 5 to 10 minutes every day sitting at home doing various freehand exercises.

9. Online course

One of the most popular jobs this time around is taking courses online. You can hone your skills by sitting at home using the internet and the smartphone or desktop/laptop in your hand and taking the course you need and desire. What it takes to do an online course is- 1. Device (smartphone or laptop) 2. Internet and 3. Your time.

10. Read books

A famous person says- There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them. You can make your time more enjoyable by reading books. The scope of people's knowledge and experience continues to grow through reading books. Start with small books. Because you have to start small, gradually grow big.

11. Watch Movies

One of the ways to enjoy the time. Learning a good movie can change the course of your life. In this case, you can choose movies from Hollywood, Bollywood, Cinema Of China, Cinema Of Japan, etc according to your taste.

12. Hobby

We all have hobbies in our lives but due to lack of time and opportunity, we do not do it. It can be drawing pictures, reciting poems, writing blogs, making videos, etc. For example, writing a blog is a hobby of mine. So I write blogs.

13. Learning a new language

One of the most important things at this age. Knowing the new language means you are one step ahead of others. For this, you can watch movies in different languages ​​with subtitles.

Finally, I would like to end by saying that you may not be able to implement all the suggestions in one day. But, with the right planning and determination, implement most of the suggestions. So start planning and work from today without delay.
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